Dude, Where’s My iPhone?

Well, I will not be getting one.

Not because I don’t think it’s the most innovative and appealing product to come along since the original Mac itself; not that it hasn’t received strong reviews; not because I don’t think that this product marks the beginning of a new trend in digital devices that will change our relationships to our technology. From BoingBoing:

Apple now has a DUTY to export this interface to their entire product line. Today’s iPhone naysayers probably don’t appreciate the significance of the UI shift that happened today. The computer industry may once again — at the hands of apple — never be the same again. The interface reminds me of the scene in the film Minority Report where the pre-crimes unit staff were manipulating and viewing multimedia data using direct gestures. I feel like we’re getting a taste of that kind of direct interface control today with the iPhone.

And not because it’s not freakin’ sexy.

It’s not even that I don’t have the money for the 8-GB model; not because I think 8 GBs is too small (even considering I have a 60-GB iPod packed full); not because I think the AT&T rates are outrageous or too expensive; not because AT&T is the weak link in this deal (can you say EDGE?); not because it’s a first-generation product; and not even because I know there will be a better one in a year.

I have a year left with T-Mobile. (Did I mention how much I hate contracts? Why don’t companies, instead of having us sign ridiculous contracts — even more ridiculous when we’re talking about technology under Moore’s Law — why don’t cell phone companies and providers rely on their abilities to innovate and give the best deals? I know: I feel stupid for even asking.) Not that I really have a problem with T-Mobile’s service. I just want an iPhone, and I detest my stoopid Razr.

Therefore — alas! — I must wait another lust-filled year. Probably a good thing, though it will be a long, green year. Stoopid contracts.

2 thoughts on “Dude, Where’s My iPhone?

  1. Well sorry to hear that your iPhone wishes and T-Mobile dreams. I have to admit that the iPhone does a whole lot better on the edge network than what my HTC 8125 ever did. Well while I am enjoying my new iLife device I do envy the motorcycle rides, best wishes on your iLife endeavors.

  2. Another thing to be wary of is that most iPhones don’t even come with insurane! So if you have you iPhone lost or stolen, you might need to make sure you have some good security software like iRedHanded installed… Not sure if there are any others like this yet, I’m running their beta and it’s beautiful!

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